This morning Aiden attended his first day of preschool with his big sister. It wasn't as emotional dropping Aiden off at preschool as I recall when Madilyn started daycare at the same age. Hmm, I wonder if it had to do with the fact that I was dropping two off instead of one. By the time I got to preschool, I was exhausted. I never imagined how much coordination it will take to get both out of bed, dressed, hair combed, fed, and in their carseats. And remember, one of them is a toddler. Wow, what a way to start the a day! Anyway, both of our kids had a very good day. Aiden seemed to fair pretty well despite changing his eating pattern from every 4 hours back to every 3 hours. The only major comment made by almost every staff member at the preschool was "Boy, does he have a good set of lungs". Yes, our little man is a very loud crier, especially when he is hungry. Madi, on the otherhand, didn't ev...