We had our first home potty time success this morning. Madilyn has been going potty on the toilet successfully all week at preschool. All week she has been using the preschool's toilet about 3-4 times a day. She even has gotten to the point of letting her teacher know on the playground when she needs to go potty. However, when we try to use the toilet at home, we have not once been successful nor has she been that forthcoming. It has been a little frustrating. We will take her to the potty at home about every half an hour and, before this morning, it was inevitable she would pee her pants right *after* one of our trips to the toilet. But this morning it was different. When Madi awoke this morning, her diaper was completely dry. Yes, we are still using diapers at night. We were not quite ready to combat her night time bodily functions too. Anyway, since she was completely dry, I knew that she would need to u...