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Showing posts from November, 2013

Judaism Journal Entry: Week Nine

Judaism is not just a religion.  In what activities might you involve yourself that would enable you to feel more a part of the Jewish people? Luckily for me, since I was not raised Jewish, the above statement is true for me.  Judaism is not just a religion.  It is people, history, customs and traditions.  Since my husband’s family is Jewish, I have felt from the onset that I am part of the Jewish people.  They have taught me traditions, rituals, customs and even some of their own personal history.  For me, Judaism has been more about the people than it has been about the religious connection.  Although, I can say that as I learn more, that religious belief grows stronger.  I feel that I have already started to involve myself in activities that make my connection to Judaism grow stronger.   As a family, we have joined a synagogue so that we can strengthen our Jewish community.   We have started to attend Tot Shabbat with our kids ...

Judaism Journal Entry: Week Eight

What would you have liked to accomplish in your life?  How would you like to be remembered? Where do I even start?  I know that everyone has a “bucket list” of things that they would like to accomplish during their lifetime.  I am no different.  I have a list of places I would like to visit in the world.  I have a list of activities I would like to accomplish.  I have career goals and expectations.  I have family goals and expectations.  I am not sure if anyone ever really accomplishes every item on their life “to do” list.  However, in the end, I would like to be remembered as a good person.  One who lived their life with the best of intention.  One who realized that they were not perfect, but also never gave up on trying being the best that they could be.  I hope my kids think that I am a good Mom – one who is fair and loving, but also taught them the hard lessons of life.  I hope that my husband thinks that I a...

Halloween 2013

Halloween is becoming more and more fun each year with the kids.  They talked the entire month about what they wanted to be for Halloween.  It was fun to see the excitement grow for the entire month.  From the onset, Madilyn wanted to be Cinderella and Aiden wanted to be Elmo.  Since the kids' preschool had their Halloween dress-up day the week prior, the kids wore Halloween shirts to school instead.  They are getting so big.  I cannot believe it.  After preschool, we rushed home to get the kids fed and into their costumes.  Grandma Farrell and Oma came over to just visit before all of the festivities began.  This year we decided to try out our own neighborhood for Trick or Treating.  We were joined by Grandpa Landers, Aunt Alisha, and the Bukata family.  The neighborhood was a little quiet, but it was the perfect amount of walking and candy for our kids this year. Madi has already started asking when the next Hallow...

Madilyn's 1st Surgery

Madilyn has had an umbilical hernia since birth.  An umbilical hernia happens when intestine, fat, or fluid pushes through a weak spot or hole in your baby’s stomach muscles. This causes a bulge near or in the belly button.  The hernia usually isn't painful or dangerous, and it often closes on its own without treatment. Madi's hernia just made her belly button look like a giant "outie" and often grew after she ate or cried.  At every well child appointment with her pediatrician, we would discuss whether her hernia was closing on its own.  Typically, this usually happens in toddlers by age three or four.  Sadly, Madi's hernia never seem to show signs that it would close on its own.  So, at Madilyn's three year old visit, Dr. Shepherd recommended that we should get a second opinion from a pediatric surgeon.  She referred us to Dr. Egan at Phoenix Children's Hospital.  Here are some photos from our consultation vi...