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Showing posts from 2018

Pumpkin Carving 2018

On the Shabbat before Halloween, we decided to carve pumpkins as a family.  It was a perfect way to spend the end of a busy week.  So full of fun and joy!  The kids loved watching their artwork come alive and we loved watching the kids.  In the end, it became an entire family project.  Although, the kids did pull out the "guts" of the pumpkin themselves.  I think our creations turned out pretty "spooktacular" this year. Project carve pumpkins commence Scooping out the "guts" Aiden Madi Drawing their faces on the pumpkin Our kids Final Creations!

Universal Studios 2018

During fall break, we surprised the kids with a visit to Universal Studios.  As a family, we have been reading the Harry Potter book series and the kids have been becoming huge fans.  So, what could be better than a trip to visit "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" at Universal Studios.    We arrived at Universal Studios Monday late afternoon after surviving Los Angeles traffic.  A road trip that should have taken less than two hours took us almost four.  Ridiculous!  But, once we arrived, we had the opportunity to peruse CityWalk and check into our hotel.  My society sister, Toni, joined us for dinner at Karl Stauss Brewing Company.  She happen to be in town on business.  It was a pleasant coincidence and gave us some much needed time to catch-up with each other.  While we dined, the kids enjoyed running through the water fountain below the restaurant.  I am not sure they quite understood how wet and chilly they would be...

Special Great-Grandparent Time

While visiting California in October for fall break, we had the opportunity to visit the kids great-grandparents (GP and GG).  It was a brief, but very enjoyable visit.  Sunday was spent playing games with GG and GP.  Aiden taught GP a game that he created in school and then they played chess.  Madi played Mad Libs with GG and I.  Afterwards, we went shopping and enjoyed an Italian dinner out at Romeo Cucina to celebrate Stan's birthday. On Monday before we headed out, we enjoyed breakfast with Stan at the Ayers Hotel.  The kids also convinced GP to take them on a ride in the golf cart.  And I was able to capture some photos of the kids with their great-grandparents.  We'll have to make our next visit a little bit longer, but we all still enjoyed our special time together. Aiden teaching GP a game GP versus Aiden at chess Madi doing Mad Libs with the girls Dinner with GP for his birthday Riding in the golf cart GG with...

Whittier Homecoming 2018

This October, I celebrated my twentieth college reunion during Whittier College's Homecoming.  I cannot believe that I graduated from college twenty years ago.  So many things have changed since then.  I am a mother, a wife, and a successful working woman.  So many of the dreams that I envisioned as a college student have come true.  Pretty amazing! Homecoming started the second Friday in October.  I flew out to Whittier on Thursday night to spend some extra time with my society sisters before the regular Homecoming festivities began. We enjoyed a fun dinner our on Thursday and shopping/kibitzing on Friday.  I love that even though time passes, our friendship continues just like it was when we last saw each other.  Too fun! Josh and the kids drove in on Friday afternoon after the school day concluded.  On Saturday, we showed them all around campus after I attended the Palmer brunch.  I showed them my old dorm rooms in Johns...