Since I could not really concentrate on updating the blog during labor, Josh recruited one of his dearest friends to help with the "play by play" of events. Here is the progression of my labor experience through his words (with some insight and tidbits from Josh). Thought you would enjoy the humor. Don't worry though ... I will be providing my own labor story in a future posting. I'm sure some of the details may be a little different via a third party observer. The Farrell Baby Alert by Gregory Ensell Labor +16 hours Good morning all. After a frustrating text exchange with Josh I'm prepared to give you all an update: 6:30pm, Tuesday, February 23, 2010 - The Farrells check into Arrowhead Hospital and start drugs to speed effacement, a surprisingly violent sounding process that has something to do with the cervix and makes me very squeamish! 7:30am, Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - Jenn survives an evening in the hosp...