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Baby Update -- 39 Weeks

Here is the baby update.  Stats as of this week's visit ...

Projected Due Date: February 25th

Week of Pregnancy: 39 weeks

Total Weight Gained: 35 pounds

Baby's Heartbeat: 146

Effacement Percentage: 75% (same last week)
This is how thin your cervix is.

Dilatation: Maybe 1/2 centimeter (I think my doctor was just being nice and trying to give me some hope)
How far your cervix has opened. 10 centimeters being the widest.

Baby's Head Station: -1 (a little lower than last week)
This is the position of the baby in relation to your pelvis, measured in pluses and minuses. A baby who is at 0 station is said to be engaged, while a baby in the negative numbers is said to be floating. The positive numbers are the way out!

And the wait continues ...


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