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Showing posts from March, 2010

Five Week Update

As of today, Madilyn is five weeks old!  I have been trying to post some of my thoughts for several weeks now, but the days just slip away from me.  At times, I do not even know what day it is.  Anyway, here are some lessons I have learned and some trivial facts about life with a baby... Madi's stats as of her 2 week well baby visit -- Weight:  8 pounds 11 ounces, Height:  21.5", Head Circumference: 13.5cm (As of today, Madi weighs 11 pounds!!!  Wow, she is growing by leaps and bounds.)  Our daughter has the cutest and brightest smile, especially just following a feeding.  I cannot wait to see it when complimented by her laugh. Madi has experienced several excursions out of the house including:  a car ride with her Dad and Great-Grandpa, lunch with Grandma Farrell and her friends, Costco, an adventure to Old Town Scottsdale, dinner out with her Great-Uncle and Great...

Happy Passover

A zisn Pesach from our little bubeleh ...

Happy St. Patty's Day

Wishing all of our friends and family a Happy St. Patrick's Day!  May the luck of the Irish be with you always.  Can you believe that Madilyn is 3 weeks old today!?!  Isn't she a cute little leprechaun ... Madi in her 1st St. Patrick's Day outfit The Four Leaf Clover on Madi's Tushie Her 1st St. Patty's Day Bib Madi & Mommy  

Madi's 1st Photo Shoot

Everytime I leave the house now, I find myself somehow in the baby clothes department of whatever store I am shopping.  I am obsessed with baby girl outfits.  They are so precious.  I think this is one of the downfalls of not finding out the gender of the baby prior to its birth.  Although, I could not imagine how much money I would have spent on *cute* baby outfits for Madi had I known ahead of time.  Anyway, I found this perfect outfit for Madilyn and just could not help but conduct my own little amateur photo shoot.  I had such a good time!  What an adorable model and outfit!  Aren't they all though when they are this tiny?  While conducting my photo shoot, I quickly realized that babies really do not have too many poses, unless you count their facial expressions.  I kept waiting for her to do something impressive like rollover or tilt her head to the side like all the models do, but nothing.  I am j...

One Week Old ...

Just wanted to give a quick update on the Farrell-Landers family. Madi is one week old today and we are all doing exceptionally well. A little less rested and a little more sleep deprived, but all in all really good. We have pretty much fallen into our routine -- as much as you can with a one week old baby . Madi and Mommy are feeding every 3-4 four hours. Daddy is on call when needed for the changing of diapers or when Mommy cannot get Madi back to sleep after a feeding. We are trying to keep this to a minimum, since he has already returned back to work. However, this usually occurs in the middle of the night, coinciding with the 2am feeding. After her feeding, Madi thinks that this is the best time to play instead of sleep. Luckily, Daddy loves to hold her so they have reached a compromise - he gets to hold her and she gets her way. I can already see a pattern developing. Madilyn also had her first visit to the pediatrician last Monday and she is growing right on track. In the ...

Epidural -- Yes, Please!

I cannot believe that it has been one week since my labor was induced. Time has flown by so quickly. I guess that is what happens when you are in the hospital for four days straight. You have already gotten a preview of my labor experience from a previous blog, but here is my version. Some of this may provide a little too much information, so I apologize in advanced to those of you who may not really want to know this much about a woman’s labor. My story begins Tuesday, February 23rd. I went into my morning OB/GYN appointment as I have every week for the past month. Week 40 was here and I was anxious to receive my weekly stats. I hoped my labor was progressing rapidly, but I had a strong feeling of doubt that anything had changed from the previous week and my gut feeling was correct.  No change; not in any of my stats from the week before. So, for three weeks straight my labor had not progressed a single bit. Really??? I was getting very disappointed, but even more concerne...

Photos of Madilyn Rae

We have had several requests for more pictures of Madilyn. Sorry it has taken us a couple of days to get these posted. So, without delay, here is a photo slideshow of the labor, her birth and her homecoming. I'm a little biased, but I think she gets cuter and cuter everyday!