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One Week Old ...

Just wanted to give a quick update on the Farrell-Landers family. Madi is one week old today and we are all doing exceptionally well. A little less rested and a little more sleep deprived, but all in all really good. We have pretty much fallen into our routine -- as much as you can with a one week old baby. Madi and Mommy are feeding every 3-4 four hours. Daddy is on call when needed for the changing of diapers or when Mommy cannot get Madi back to sleep after a feeding. We are trying to keep this to a minimum, since he has already returned back to work. However, this usually occurs in the middle of the night, coinciding with the 2am feeding. After her feeding, Madi thinks that this is the best time to play instead of sleep. Luckily, Daddy loves to hold her so they have reached a compromise - he gets to hold her and she gets her way. I can already see a pattern developing.

Madilyn also had her first visit to the pediatrician last Monday and she is growing right on track. In the hospital, her weight had dropped down to 7 pounds 12 ounces, but as of Monday, she was just shy of her birth weight at 8 pounds 3 ounces. The pediatrician stated that this is very good, as it can take a couple of weeks for newborns to return to their birth weight. Madi has also grown a 1/2 inch up from 20 ½ to 21 inches. Since Madi still showed some signs of jaundice, we had been instructed upon being released from the hospital to supplement my breastmilk with formula at every feeding. However, as Madi is developing normally, her pediatrician informed us that we no longer needed to supplement her meals. Madi was excited to hear this news as she prefers mommy's milk versus the formula any day. We go back next week for her 2 week check-up. We will just have to see how much she grows by then.

I am amazed at how much she changes daily. Albeit the changes may be very subtle and minuet to everyone else. Everyday she has new facial expressions, new noises, and new experiences for Mommy and Daddy. Here are some of the things that Madi has taught me in the past week:
  • When she needs to have her diaper changed, her cries sound like a billy goat.
  • That little babies like to double urinate. Who knew that if you are changing a diaper to be aware that in mid-change you may wind up needing another one, as she will urinate one more time before the change is done. I have tried several times to anticipate this by playing peek-a-boo with her diaper, but she still manages to spoil another diaper or changing pad before the change is completed.
  • She already has excellent strength and control of her head. Although, at times, we think she looks a lot like a turtle stretching its neck out of its shell.
  • I never thought that I would cheer for a *dirty* diaper.
  • That pre-fabricated swaddling blankets are the best invention ever, especially when your newborn is writhing, kicking and screaming.
  • She is happiest after feedings when she is in a milk coma.
  • Why all parents look like metronomes when holding a baby.
  • That an advanced degree in hop dancing and a heightened sense of rhythm are required just to get your baby to fall asleep.
  • That the wrapping of a baby's tiny, little hand around your finger will melt your heart.
That's our update after week one. Below are posted some more photos that we've taken throughout the week...

Holding her own binkie ...
Daddy reading to Madi before bedtime ...
Look at that cute bow in my hair ...
Please don't wake the sleeping bear ...


Andrea said…
Loving these posts, Jenn! I can tell you are soaking up every beautiful, sleep-deprived moment. They grow so fast -- you will read this years from now and be so grateful you wrote it all down!

Can't believe she's a week old already. Doesn't it seem like FOREVER ago you were pregnant, even though it's only been a week? I remember looking down at Tate when he was only a couple of weeks old, and I literally couldn't remember what life was like before he was born. So life-changing and beautiful.

Give that little girl a kiss from me! Sending lots of hugs, too. I love you guys!!
Angie Goudreau said…
She is so cute...Glad to hear that you guys are falling into the routine so well....hope you are feeling good and getting much rest when you can1 Talk soon...Congrats again!

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