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Yesterday was the day I dreaded would come too quickly.  And, in fact, it did.  It was the day I returned back to work and Madilyn would enter into the world of day care.  Madi is staying during the day with a wonderful woman, Yolanda, who runs a child day care out of her home.  She was so excited to watch Madi for us.  Yolanda was referred to me by one of my dearest friends, who coincidently, has her youngest boy there as well.  I just liked the fact that Madi wouldn't be surrounded by an army of children infecting her with every sickness out there.  But we wanted her to be able to socialize with other kids as well.  Currently, Yolanda only watches four children.  Madi is her fifth.  They all range in ages from the youngest at 7 weeks (Madi) to a four year old who will be entering preschool full-time in the fall.  I cannot imagine having more than the one kid in our house, let alone a total of five. 

I am happy to report that we all survived.  Madi enjoyed Yolanda's and made new friends with all of the other children.  Per Yolanda, they kept coming up to her throughout the day to say "hi" and see what she was doing.  Madi apparently would just stare at them cross-eyed as if to say "I don't know who you are, but can't you see I am trying to get some sleep".  I only shed a couple of tears, but I think this was luckily due to the fact that Josh dropped her off.  I gave Josh and Madi big hugs and kisses and they were out the door.  I think this saved me from bawling my whole drive into work.  We wanted to get into our normal routine from the beginning -- Josh will be dropping her off in the morning and I will pick her up in the afternoon.  It seemed to work out well, so far.

It sadded me to not be able to spend all day with my little girl, especially after we have almost lived 24/7 together for the past 6 weeks.  I really did love staying at home with her, but I know that I would not be able to sustain that enthusiasm forever.  There is only so much cleaning and laundry a person can do while a baby is sleeping.  It is the cleanest that this house has been in a while.  I am especially going to miss her now that her personality is starting to shine through. She is just getting to the stage where she is starting to bat and kick at toys when she lays on her baby gym mat. She also recognizes Josh and I when we talk to her or hold her.  I cannot get enough of her cooing and smiling.  She is even starting to add some shrieks to her "talking".  We think this is the start of her laugh.

Alas, it was time for me to return back to work. I really enjoy my job despite the crazy health reform initiative that has surrounded my industry for the past year.  I am ready to have adult interaction again and just get back into a normal routine again.  I am a creature of habit and having a baby determine my schedule for an entire day was getting a tad rough, not knowing how my day would progress.  Everytime I tried to start a household project of some kind, it would get interrupted by the cries of my sweet daughter.  It was very challenging and yet very rewarding.  And I have a new found appreciation for all of those stay at home moms.  Parenting is hard and I am not sure I could effectively parent without some breaks in my day.

As a side note ... Madi had her first sleepover.  My parents graciously offered to watch her overnight this past Friday evening so Josh and I could get a full night's sleep.  Thank you, Grandma and Granddaddy!  Josh and I enjoyed our momentary freedom eventhough we didn't really know what to do.  So, we got pedicures and then went out to dinner.  What did we do after dinner?  Nothing.  We went back home where I fell asleep on the couch while watching the television and we retired to bed before 9pm.  One would think that we would have partied the night away.  We were too tired!  All we wanted to do was sleep.  Josh had no problem sleeping through the night, but I kept waking up thinking I heard the baby crying.  So much for a good night's sleep.  Although, in the end, it was more sleep than I had been getting.  Still very refreshing and appreciated.  My parents also survived the evening.  Madi only really got up a couple of times during the night, so it wasn't too bad.  I guess my Dad who usually can sleep through anything (per my Mom), woke up and got up with Madi everytime she cried for help.  How sweet!


Grandma Farrell said…
Jenn and Josh - I cried when I read this - I remember the day I had to go back to work. It was tough but both of you were well taken cvare of and Madi will be too.

I am proud of both of you and know you will make the best of any situation and that Madi will have the best of both worlds. She has two wonderful loving parents to come home to every night who will spend the time necessary so she will always know how much she is loved. And, her days at Yolanda's will be filled with love and the socialization every child needs to become a well rounded person. I have no doubt Madi will make the most of it.

And, Dad and I want to THANK YOU for allowing us to take your precious little girl for the night. What a wonderful feeling we had - to be able to love and hold her. We are very lucky and are looking forward to continuing special bond all grandparents should have with their grandchildren.

Just remember - some things are not that important to stress over. Everything works out when a family is able to communicate.

Love ya both,
Andrea said…
I think the first day is always the hardest -- and the anxiety leading up to it. Now the "pimple is popped" so to speak, so it should get easier. Yolanda sounds wonderful! Madi will thrive there, and you will love having some adult interaction back at work. Babies are wonderful, but spending every minute of the day with them can be a little brain-numbing. : ) Just think of those big smiles you will receive when you pick her up after work! And then you will love and appreciate her that much more. Quality, not quantity. Grandma is right, you and Madi will have the best of both worlds.

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