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madi's moments ... more firsts

So, you probably have been wondering what new things Madi has been up to for the past two months.  Here are some of the "firsts" she has shared with us.  Each new moment is *so* much fun!  It makes parenting so rewarding.

First Laugh ~ Her first laugh occurred while we were visiting GG and GP in California for Memorial Day weekend.  Take a look at this clip.  I couldn't help but laugh myself. 

First Swim ~ Madi took her first swim in my parents' pool on Memorial Day.  As you will notice, it took her a while to warm up to the idea, but once she did, she seemed to enjoy it.  Here is our water baby ...

First Solid Food ~ Yes, that is right.  Madi has started eating solid foods.  We are slowly starting to introduce rice cereal into her diet.  Wait until you see this clip.  Too funny! 

Game Playing ~ Madi has started playing little games with everyone.  She plays her own version of peek-a-boo.  We will cover up her face with a blanket and she will uncover her face for you.  Madi also plays a little game with Grandma wherein Grandma sits her up on her lap and Madi will then consciencely fall backward into her arm.  Lastly, Auntie Lynsey discovered that Madi will lift up her dress so you can blow "razberries" on her belly.  Lynsey blew a couple of "razberries" on her belly and then stopped, but Madi wasn't done, she slowly lifted up her dress with a sheepish little smile, as if to say, "Hey, that is fun.  Do it again."

4 Month Well Baby Check ~ Madi had her 4 month old baby check a couple of weeks ago on June 24th.  Her stats as of this visit were:
  • Head circumference - 15.75 inches
  • Height - 24.5" (62th percentile)
  • Weight - 14 pounds, 8 ounces (71th percentile)

First Cold ~ Unfortunately, we have all experienced Madi's first cold.  It just occured this past weekend while we were up north at my parents' cabin for the 4th of July.  I was so excited to take Madi to the Pinewood 4th of July carnival and parade, but we did not make it to either.  Josh and I had decided to go out Saturday night for a little bit and my parents babysat.  We got home sometime around ten o'clock and shortly thereafter Madi started crying.  I walked into her room to check her out and there she was lying there with a smile on her face while vomit surrounded her.  It was all over her face, her hair, her bed, her clothes -- EVERYWHERE.  It was quite a sight.  I really wish that we would have taken a photo.  I felt so terrible for her, yet it was a little funny.  I quickly got her bathed, while my mom got her bedding and clothes washed.  We thought she was doing much better, until about a half hour later while sitting with my dad she threw up all over him.  And the cleaning process started all over.  Her slight fever and vomitting continued all night, so I spent the entire night holding, soothing and rocking our little baby through her first cold.  All of her symptoms continued all day Sunday.  But by Monday morning, she was her normal self once again.  The upsides -- she is building up her immune system and that it happened during the weekend.


Andrea said…
This is great! I don't know what I enjoyed more -- hearing Madi laugh or hearing *Jenn* laugh at Madi! Too cute.

Sorry to hear about the cold. : ( But congrats on officially being baptized into parenthood. When you deal with baby vomit, you are officially a parent! ; )

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