This past Wednesday was Madi's 9 month pediatrician visit. Per her doctor, she is developing very well and seems to be a very happy baby. Madi received her normal vaccinations and also her flu shot. Like usual, she only cried for a short period of time before she was smiling and ready to play again. Madilyn's stats as of this visit were: Head circumference - 17" (27th percentile) Height - 27.12" (49th percentile) Weight - 19 pounds, 7 ounces (62rd percentile) Here are some of the things that Madi is demonstrating at this age ... Crawling all over the house, on furniture, through furniture, on people ... more or less where ever her little body can travel. She is pulling herself up using the furniture and has now figured out how to sit down afterward. She is also beginning to take a couple of steps to cruise around the furniture. She is becoming pretty innovative. Recently, she used one of her toy box lids to stand on so she could b...