At the beginning of the November, one of my friends on Facebook challenged each of her friends to post one thing each day that we are thankful for up until Thanksgiving Day. I thought it was a great challenge, but am really terrible at providing status checks on Facebook. So, instead, I decided to make it one of my blog posts. I know some of the items below may seem pretty cliché, but I wanted to still include them because we often take so many things for granted.
I am thankful for …
I am thankful for …
- Ice cream. Yes, that’s right. Ice cream, especially chocolate. Thank you Dad and Uncle Ted for introducing me to this incredible treat.
- My health. Most of my healthiness is due in large part to the fact that I am very lucky to be able to exercise regularly at Boot Camp with some fun and like-minded women. I firmly believe that exercise is the key to keeping me healthy physically and mentally.
- Being an American. I have had the privilege to travel to several foreign countries and every time I return home, I am reminded how blessed we are to live in a nation full of wealth and freedom. Although, I may not always agree with the political views of our government, I am thankful that I have the freedom to believe differently.
- The Dyson vacuum. For those who know me, you know that I am a clean freak. This is the best cleaning device, especially for a mother who is constantly trying to keep the house spotless for a crawling baby. Thanks Mom for introducing me to this wonderful invention.
- My husband. Josh is my best friend. I am so blessed to have him in my life. We have found a perfect little balance. I am his Yang to my Ying. No matter what seems to come our way, we seem to find a way to make things work. I love you, Joshua!
- Madilyn. She is our pride and joy. She is so much fun and full of life. I am thankful to see the world through her eyes. I cannot even express how much we love her! Happy First Thanksgiving, Baby Girl!
- My Family. Thank you for always being there for me. I am blessed to have a wonderful close family and am extremely lucky to have married into a family who has excepted me as one of their own.
- My Friends. For those whom I have known for many years and for those relationships which are just starting to bloom and develop.
- My camera. My passion for capturing life through pictures has grown stronger and I am really enjoying becoming a better photographer.
- My crockpot. It makes dinnertime so much easier for a working wife and mother. Set it and forget it.
- My profession. This past year has been trying for my industry and career. The new health care reform legislation has created new challenges and stresses, but I am thankful to be able to be a resource and explain these idiosyncrasies to others who may not know the law as well as me.
- The pets in my life...Pooh Bear and Capone. They love us unconditionally. Their unique personalities make us laugh and frustrated alike. And they have been incredible with Madilyn, allowing her to pull at their ears and hair.
- Cheerios. These are essential part of parenthood and have thwarted many baby-breakdowns. Madi loves Cheerios and the dogs love that Madi loves Cheerios as well. Best. Baby. Snack. Ever.
- Financial security, especially during these hard times. We are very blessed to be able to pay our bills, put food on our table, and splurge on the non-essential items every once in a while.
- The roof over our head. It may not be the dream house that we desire. It is a little too suburban for Josh with a hefty commute and I find it a little too small for our growing family, but it is where we call home and we are thankful for that.
- Skype. What can I say? This technology is awesome. It gives us the ability to visit face to face with relatives that live half way across the world or just a state away.
- Madilyn to be able to know her grandparents and great-grandparents. I wish that I had been able to know my grandparents and great-grandparents better. It makes me smile to know that she has these special people in her life.
- Travel. The fact that we are able to travel so often and relatively easy is remarkable. We are very lucky to be able to visit family and friends so often. Plus, we have a relatively easy traveling baby. How neat is that.
- My faith (and new found faith). I know everyone has their own beliefs and ideology. I am thankful for the freedom to believe what I want to believe. I am lucky to have married a man who has introduced me to a new religion – Judaism. I am excited to embrace this faith and share it with our daughter while also teaching her my religious beliefs of Christianity. It will be a fun mish-mash of both of our cultures.
- Coffee. My day cannot begin without it. Enough said.
- The sun. My favorite times of day are sunrise and sunset. They are such a great reminder of how beautiful and simple life should be.
- The West Valley. It has been the part of the Valley that I have called home for over thirty years. I have learned, laughed and loved in the West Valley. It has been the foundation for many of my relationships and time spent with outstanding charitable organizations.
- A fantastic daycare provider. We are so lucky we found Yolanda. She is truly a wonderful person and sincerely cares about Madilyn.
- My laptop. It makes blogging so easy. I can do anywhere and everywhere.
- DVR. Otherwise, we would never be able to watch all of the shows that remind me that my life is *so* drama-free. It is good entertainment though.