A couple of years ago, both Josh and I were highlighted in West Valley Magazine as one of their West Valley 24 Movers. "Movers" are people in the West Valley who are positioned to become the major difference makers in our community for years to come. We were very honored to be selected by this organization to join such an elite group of leaders in the West Valley.
December '08
February '09
Well, we are honored to announce that we have been featured in the West Valley Magazine, yet again. Their February issue honors the month of romance. Josh and myself were lucky to have been highlighted in two separate articles in this month's issue.

The first article, we are highlighted in, discusses how we use our True Colors personality types to navigate through our relationship. According to the True Colors method, there are four personality type colors. It just so happens that our color types are on opposite spectrums of the personality continuum, which, as you can imagine, makes our relationship quite interesting somedays. Josh is a "Blue". This means his core value is "harmonic relationships". I am a "Gold". My core value is "duty and responsibility". Like I said, sometimes our core values do not align very well.
February '11, pages 18 -22
The second article is our "love story". How we met and how our love bloomed during and after Leadership West. It is a well-written article which captures our secretive romance perfectly. We are very honored to have been selected as one of the highlighted "Leaders in Love".
February '11, pages 30 & 31
If you would like to read our articles, please visit West Valley Magazine online at http://www.wvmonline.com/. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.