Projected Due Date: August 9th
Baby's Gender: Unknown
Total Weight Gained: 18 pounds (All gained in the past 12 weeks)
Baby's Heartbeat: 138 beats/min
Fundal Height Measurement: 31cm (typically, it should match your current week of pregnancy, so as you can see, this baby is already a little bit larger than expected. Yikes!)
Development Tidbits: Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). It's skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.
I had my 28-week check up yesterday and everything is normal. Actually, the visit was short and sweet. My doctor called me a model pregnant woman. The baby's heartbeat is strong, my weight gain is optimal (even though I feel as big as a house) and my blood pressure is average.
Honestly, I cannot complain. This pregnancy has not been terrible, just much different than my first. I am *way* more tired this time. And I find that I am much more uncomfortable and acky, especially in my sciatic and hips. Also, heartburn occurs *so* much more frequently this time. It doesn't matter what I eat, it will probably result in heartburn. Luckily, Maalox is my friend and usually helps subside the burning for a while. I haven't really had any unusual cravings this time around, but I do tend to want more chocolate and ice cream this go around.
My next visit is in two weeks -- yes, we are already at the every other week visits. The big excitement of this visit will be the 3D ultrasound. Maybe I can convince Josh to find out the gender of the baby at that time. We'll see ...
Since I haven't shared these with you yet, here are some pictures of the last ultrasound at 20 weeks. I have been so terrible at posting updates during this pregancy. Enjoy!
Baby's side profile ...
The baby's foot ...
The baby's arm, hand and fingers ...
The 3D Pictures ...
I think the baby resembles Gollum from "The Lord of the Rings"? Don't you?