Yesterday afternoon, Madi had her 18 month well check. I cannot believe my little baby girl is getting so big. Madi wasn't very happy to see the pediatrician this time. She cried almost the entire time and didn't want to leave my lap. I guess this is typical for this age. Her pediatrician says that she is progressing very well and looks very healthy. Madilyn's stats as of this visit were:
Here are some of the things that we are experiencing with Madi at this age:
Yes, my little brother is somewhere under here...
Yummm ... ice cream!
Splashing around in the play pool
Keaton and Madi
What a cutie patootie -- ready for a Labor Day BBQ
Our Little Ballerina!
- Head circumference - 18.5 inches (68th percentile)
- Height - 32.5 inches (67th percentile)
- Weight - 24.4 pounds (69th percentile)
Here are some of the things that we are experiencing with Madi at this age:
- Food favorites -- bananas, hot dogs, cheese, "crackers" which are graham crackers or anything similar like cereal or cookies and "water" which refers to any type of liquid beverage.
- Favorite toys -- books, her "baby", her stuffed animal giraffe, and her finger puppets.
- Talking ... her vocabulary increases daily. She is starting to repeat words that you say and put two to three word sentences together like "all done" "I did that." She is already starting to count numbers 1-5. Also, she has started to learn her colors, but blue is the color of most things even if it isn't blue. She is also starting to know her body parts like eyes, nose and toes.
- Walking and running ... she gets a very determined look on her face like there is somewhere to be or something to do.
- She loves going outside. She would play out there during all hours of the day if we'd let her. Even when it is 115 degrees outside.
- Starting to understand more and more commands. It amazes me how much she really understands. It is getting fun because you can have little conversations with her.
- We have started implementing timeouts as she is starting to test her Mommy and Daddy.
- She is a very independent little child who wants to do everything for herself and gets frustrated when we don't understand what she wants.
- She loves being Daddy's little helper.
- Enjoys swimming.
- Can climb up and down the stairs with no assistance from us.
- Enjoys her nightly tricycle ride with Daddy.
- Not a very good "sharer" yet, although if she is in the mood she will.
- Loves shoes!!! Before you can dress her in the morning, you have to put her shoes on first. She notices everyone's "shoes".
- Sings songs and dances to the music.
- Doesn't like it when the dogs bark. She cries and wants to be picked up.
- Likes bathtime again.
- Enjoyed her first taste of ice cream -- thanks to Aunt Melinda.
- She will blow kisses and give hugs.
- Has embraced being a big sister (most of the time). She likes to push him in his swing -- wee, wee! She helps feed him with a bottle. She likes to bring him his blankets and binkie. Although she completely freaks out when we need to change his diaper and wants us to change hers instead.
- Her binkie/pacifier has been retired to only being used at bedtime or naptime.
- She has begun potty training. She has started to tell us when she has "poo-pooed", which is both urine and poop. So, we have started putting her in pull-ups and the preschool is helping us.
Yogurt and Crackers
Sharing her breakfast with Daddy
GP and Madi
Yes, my little brother is somewhere under here...
Yummm ... ice cream!
Splashing around in the play pool
Keaton and Madi
What a cutie patootie -- ready for a Labor Day BBQ
Our Little Ballerina!