That's right. Our little man is 6 weeks old today. I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as he is starting to get a little more active and independent, I have to go back to work and he has to go to preschool with Madi. As of this week, he is starting to recognize faces, smile and coo. His little smiles just make my heart melt. It is so precious! How can I leave this adorable little creature and go back to work? I guess a Mom has to do, what a Mom has to do. And this Mom has to go back to work.
However, in these past six weeks, I have learned so much about Aiden.
- He is so different than Madi. It is like starting all over.
- He is not a sleeper.
- He is a cuddler though. He loves snuggling.
- He is not a binkie/pacifier man, yet.
- He is noisy -- grunts all the time. And wow, does he cry loudly!
- He is a mover. Seriously, when he is not sleeping, he is moving his legs or arms constantly.
- He is strong. He is very close to holding up his head.
- He enjoys tummy-time.
- He loves batting, kicking and grabbing for his toys on his mat.
- The swing is his preferred sleeping position.
- He still has a "goopy" eye.
- He does not like having his diaper changed.
- He is gasss-y!
- He still has some baby acne. Hopefully, he will grow out of it soon.
- He is a good eater. He already eats about an average of 4-5 ounces of formula per feeding. (Okay, I guess he shares this passion with his sister.)
- He has not slept fully through the night, but we are getting closer. Keep your fingers crossed!
Boy, will I miss hanging out with him everyday. He is so sweet.