Now that the dust has settled and all of our visitors have dwindled, I am finally able to collect my thoughts and start blogging again. I realize keeping my blog updated will be an even bigger challenge now with two children under the age of two. But I am up for it! So, here is an update on our little baby boy and his first month of life.
- Aiden's stats as of his 2 week well baby visit -- The pediatrician was very pleased, as he already surpassed his birth weight. We have a big, little boy!
- Weight: 9 pounds (92nd percentile)
- Height: 21.25" (98th percentile)
- Head Circumference: 14cm (80th percentile)
- Our son does not like to smile too much yet. Mostly his facial expression looks like a grumpy old man, scowling with disapproval. Although every once and awhile after a good feeding, he does share with me a small little smirk. I cherish those moments.
- Unlike with Madi, being that we are secondtime parents, we were less cautious about taking Aiden out of the house on excursions from the get-go. Aiden has already visited several shopping stores, restaurants, Costco, and has run several other errands with me.
- Another miracle product, I have grown to love, is the Ergo Baby Carrier. It is amazing! Anytime Aiden is fussy and fighting going to sleep, I just put him in the Ergo and he instantly goes to sleep. It works everytime.
- Most babies are quiet and not very vocal. Well, Mr. Aiden is super loud. When he is upset, he lets you know it. Also, he constantly makes gutteral noises. I do not remember Madilyn being this loud or noisy. It is so funny how different two babies can be.
- He is starting to focus on people and things, even though at times it seems like he is just staring off into space or looking at you cross-eyed. He also has a very "goopy" right eye. We are hoping that the problem is just that his tear duct has not fully developed. In the meantime, I constantly have to clean the mucus out of his eye.
- He loves to cuddle. It is so much fun! We on several occasions we have fallen asleep together on the couch or his favorite position to sleep is on my chest. He is definitely his mother's little boy. Love it!
- I was told that baby boys tend to spray you when you change their diaper. That is why products like the Pee Pee Teepee was invented. So far, I have been lucky. He has only attacked Josh to date. I keep waiting though.
- He is a strong baby. He already has excellent strength and control of his head. And he loves playing on his mat and has begun to swat at the toys that dangle above him. Although he has gotten his arm stuck in the toy's rings a couple of times. Here is a video and a picture of him playing:
The Ergo ROCKS! Life-saver that thing.
Loving all the blog updates!