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in the wild ...!  In the craziness of having a new baby, mothering a toddler and managing a household, I completely forgot to post Aiden's newborn photos.  I was just talking to an old friend and she inquired about photographers we have used in the past.  She is currently pregnant and would like to have newborn photos taken.  So, what did I do, but tell her to go to my blog and take a look at a sampling of our professional photos.  When I told her to search for Aiden's newborn photo session, she remarked that she could not find them.  I quickly opened up the blog to find them for her and guess what?  They are not there.  How did I miss posting these?  It is not like I have been busy for the past six months.  Oh well.

When I was pregnant with Aiden, we had a maternity photo session with Miss Bliss aka Vanessa Gibbs of Bliss Boutique Photography.  If you didn't see those photos, here is my post showcasing those pics -- i heart due dates.  A couple of days after Aiden was born, Miss Bliss arrived at our home to capture this moment.  With some prodding from Josh, although not very much as she was just as excited as him, Vanessa headed out our backyard gate to the mountain preserve.  This is where we were to have this photo shoot.  She and Josh continued to search for the perfect setting.  Mind you, it was August in Arizona and we live in a desert.  Plus, this is also the same preserve where we have coyotes howl almost every night.  I was not quite ready to introduce my newborn son to his mangy neighbors.  But, Vanessa had a vision, so I did not argue.  I am so glad that I did not.  The photos turned out incredibly beautiful.  I was in awe of how precious my little baby boy looked especially in the heat.  And how wonderfully he slept and posed for these pictures.  We had Madilyn jump in a couple of photos with her baby brother.  To end the session, we headed indoors to escape the elements so Vanessa could take a couple of family photos.  What a memorable time in our lives and we have the pictures to prove it.


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