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Potty Time Success!

We had our first home potty time success this morning.  Madilyn has been going potty on the toilet successfully all week at preschool.  All week she has been using the preschool's toilet about 3-4 times a day.  She even has gotten to the point of letting her teacher know on the playground when she needs to go potty.  However, when we try to use the toilet at home, we have not once been successful nor has she been that forthcoming.  It has been a little frustrating.  We will take her to the potty at home about every half an hour and, before this morning, it was inevitable she would pee her pants right *after* one of our trips to the toilet.  But this morning it was different.  When Madi awoke this morning, her diaper was completely dry.  Yes, we are still using diapers at night.  We were not quite ready to combat her night time bodily functions too.  Anyway, since she was completely dry, I knew that she would need to use the toilet this morning.  I continued to ask her if she needed to go potty, and she kept refusing that she needed to go.  Finally, it was time to leave for preschool and I informed Madi that before we left the house, she would need to go to the bathroom.  She fought me as I led her to the bathroom, but after enticing her with some Cheerios, she sat on the toilet and tried for Mommy.  After loading her brother in the car, I came around the corner to enter the bathroom and guess what I heard ... tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.  Madi was going potty on her own.  I have never been so proud of her or relieved to know that she would not be pottying in the car on the way to preschool.  She wiped herself, pulled up her panties and then helped me flush the toilet.  After giving her a big hug and kiss, I asked her if she would like a sticker for successfully going potty on the toilet.  Of course, she said yes.  She was so proud of herself and the sticker she just received.  When she arrived at preschool, she ran to her teachers to show them her sticker.  It was so cute.  I know that we still have a long potty training road ahead of us, but now I know that there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel.

Madi Proudly Holding her Sticker in the Car
 Madi Posing at Preschool
 Stilling Holding her Sticker
 Aiden Eating a Block at Preschool
(I felt compelled to take his picture since I was taking so many of Madi this morning.  I could not let him feel left out.)


Vanessa said…
Yay! Way to persevere, mama! Her pony is too dang cute.
Andrea said…
She is so dang cute! Way to go Madi!!! Such a big milestone. The nighttime thing will take time -- it was like a full year later (after they were day-trained) that my kids stop using diapers at night. Congrats!!
Shirley said…
YEA! Grandma is proud of you! Love you.
Teresa said…
Congratulations to Mom, Dad AND Madi
Rebekah McCarthy said…
That is WAY impressive. Didn't she just turn 2?
Selma Price said…
Dearest Jenn, You've done it again! Another wonderful story of your precious family. Stan had a good report from the doc today and is back on his normal routine. Love to all there, GG
Andrea said…
I just wrote out a whole comment, only to realize I already posted one. LOL!!

They say memory is the first to go...

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