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Our Mobile Man

Now that Aiden is crawling, we are remembering what a fun and exciting stage this can be. And yet, I am more anxious this time around. Boys are *so* different than girls. Aiden has only been mobile for about a month now and has already tried to harm himself several times. He has no fear and tons of curiosity. That is a dangerous combination. He has tumbled down the stairs into the sunken living room a couple of times now. Thank goodness there are only two stairs to navigate. He loves to open cabinets, play with doors, and eat bugs that he finds on the ground. Even though we surround him with plenty of toys to play with, he typically will crawl away from them as they are not as fascinating as the "off limit" items which he usually will beeline for as soon as they are within his eye sight; often taking out everything and anyone in his way. Poor Pooh Bear, she is usually mowed over if Aiden sees something he wants. She just cannot move that fast anymore. The "off limit" items usually include lamp or vacuum cords and the doggie door. He also likes to attack the upright rotating fan that we use during the summer to keep cool. He crawls to it as fast as he can and then bear hugs it to the ground. We have our own modern Don Quixote. Madilyn never used to try any of these activities. I truly believe that he will be the first kid we have to take to the emergency room. Like I said before, little boys are *so* different than little girls. I cannot see what other differences we are not prepared for.

Smiling while climbing the stairs
Aiden crawling ...
Aiden & Pooh Bear
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ...


jiffy said…
Jenn-- he looks so much like you! Also it's NOT boys vs girls. It's 2nd child! Evelyn is Insane!!! Just like Aidan. She's like a Tasmanian devil tearing through the house every single hour she's awake. Wait til he starts walking........ Ahhhhhh!!!!!!
Jack Lunsford said…
Oh, at first I thought you were talking about Josh!! ;o)
Kathleen King said…
Love his smile!!!! Can't wait to see you all in August!
Christina Jelineo said…
I don't know if this is a boy vs. girl thing as much as a second child thing. I could have written this exact post and the genders of my kids are reversed. Abby is totally fearless and routinely falls and gets banged up. She is also waaay more curious and traviesa than Eli ever was! :) Good luck!
Paige Maxwell Raetz said…
Heheheheeee, welcome to my world!!

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