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18 Months

Last week, Aiden had his 18 month well check. It was like deja vu.  This particular appointment was an exact repeat of Madilyn’s eighteen month well check visit.  Aiden was such a stinker.  He cried the entire time and didn't want to leave my arms.  Plus, he wanted me to stand the entire time.  The entire visit he continued to point at the door and cry "go, go".  What fun!  I completely forgot that this is very typical for this age.  My favorite part of the well check was the very end when the Physician Assistant re-entered the exam room to give Aiden his shot.  He cried and cried and cried up until the shot, but as soon as he received the shot, he stopped crying.  Not one tear was shed.  He knew that the visit was complete and we would be leaving soon.  Overall, his pediatrician says everything looks normal and he is very healthy. Aiden's stats as of this visit were:
  • Head circumference - 19 inches (74th percentile)
  • Height – 33.5 inches (85th percentile)
  • Weight – 26.6 pounds (78th percentile)
    My Unhappy Boy
Here are some of the things that we are experiencing with Aiden at this age:
  • Food favorites – “nanas” (bananas), chicken, "crackers" which are graham crackers or anything similar like cereal or cookies and "wawa" (water) which refers to any type of liquid beverage.
  • Favorite toys – his pacifiers.  He loves them.  He continues to carry around several binkies even if he has one in his mouth already.  He also is a huge fan of sports balls of any kind.  He throws them, kicks them, places them in things and if they remotely look like a ball he exclaims, "BALL!"
  • Talking ... his vocabulary is not as verbose as his sister’s was at this age.  Currently, he has a vocabulary of about a 12-20 words including … mama, dada, ball, that, yes, no, duck, wawa, nana, shoes, bye-bye, uh-oh and go.  He is also starting to know his body parts like eyes, tummy, nose and toes.
  • Walking and running ... he is always on the move and tries to physically do everything that his sister does even if he is not quite mature enough to do it.  He is quite our little dare devil.  In fact, we have already had a small fall down the stairs that resulted in a couple drops of blood from his mouth.  Although he continued to practice and now he can go up and down the stairs without assistance from us.
  • He loves going outside.  He would play outside during all hours of the day if we'd let him. Even when it is rainy or freezing cold outside.
  • Although Aiden’s vocabulary may not be as extensive as Madi’s was at this age, he understands everything and will follow commands and directions exceptionally well.  He has even started helping me with some little chores like emptying the dishwasher and putting his clothes in the hamper after bath time. 
  • Aiden is very mechanically minded.  He loves to build things and place objects in other objects to see if and how they will fit. 
  • He has entered full toddlerhood with outrageous tantrums.  He has reached the point that when he gets frustrated or upset, he just throws things.  This has resulted in us implementing more and more timeouts.
  • Still enjoys bath time and never wants to get out.
  • He has reached the "No" stage.  Everything that we asked him to do is responded to with "No".
  • He loves his sister!  He usually ends up following her around and around mimicking everything that she does.  It is really adorable.
  • He enjoys reading, albeit his attention span is very short.  He likes to bring you books to read and he will sit and turn the pages of the book for you.
Here are some recent photos and videos of our big boy (and a couple with his sister)...


Cate Finn Chamberlain said…
They are growing up so fast - and absolutely adorable.
Marilyn Rampley said…
I completely agree.

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