Here are some photos that were taken on the trip that I made sure to capture in the blog. Take a look at the photo description to understand when the picture was taken.
Aiden and Uncle Nitin eating raw oysters the first night of our visit. Aiden absolutely *loved* them!

Madi just wanted to copy her brother's photo. She did not want any oysters.
Madilyn climbing at the park
Aiden at breakfast with Dad one morning while Mom was at her conference
Aiden with his new "friend" he made on the plane ride home. He was extremely fussy the entire plane flight until he made this new friend. Aiden actually left our seats to go sit with this little girl and her aunt. They colored together. They watched videos together. They read together. They played together. It was quite adorable. Apparently like his dad, he attracts older women.
On our last night in Atlanta, we were able to get a babysitter so the four adults could go out for a "date" night. Thanks Elizabeth and Nitin for hosting us while we were in town. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.