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Happy "Ruby" Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Forty years ago, today, my parents were wed.  The year was 1973.  They were married at four o'clock in the afternoon.  The ceremony was held at The First Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  The church was decorated with daisies and yellow roses.  The bridesmaids wore yellow halter dresses.  My aunt Angie sang "their" song, The Wedding Song by Paul Stookey.  The reception occurred at the Colorado Springs Country Club.  And the after party followed at the home of Rae and Frank Schuhmacher, my mother's parents.  It was a beautiful, magical day.
Cutting the cake...
Dad and Grandpa Frank
The Bridesmaids -- Aunt Becky, Aunt Jerre, & Aunt Sue
Mom and Uncle Terry
Grandma Helen & Grandma Rae
At the reception
The beautiful bride

What is even more magical is that my parents are still married forty years later.  I am so in awe of this accomplishment.  Mom and Dad, hopefully with the lessons I have gained from watching you work diligently to strengthen your marriage on a daily basis, I will also be able to celebrate a "ruby" anniversary one day.    
Here are some of the helpful marriage tips you have taught me ...
  • Marriage is hard work.  It takes patience, understanding, determination, communication and unconditional love.  
  • A kiss goodbye and a kiss hello is a recipe for a good marriage.  I love that you kiss each often and daily.
  • Parenting is only successful through teamwork.  With me and Lynsey, you always stood a united front.  Whenever we asked either one of you if we could do something or have something, your response would be, "What did your mom/dad say?"  We knew from a very young age you were a strong team.
  • Mutual hobbies are an important aspect to a successful marriage.  Be that from bowling to golf to involvement in a community theater, you have continually found a common activity to be engaged in.
  • Compromising is key.  I know this is easier said than done, but once this skill is mastered, marriage becomes easier.  At least, that is what you have conveyed.
  • Sixty minutes of good verbal communication reconnects a couple after a long work day.  Growing up, every evening before dinner, you would sit in the family room and spend about an hour discussing life.  It was your own special time to talk.  It must be working.
  • It is okay to debate with your children, but not fight with your spouse in front of them.  This is a lesson I am still trying to learn, but I am so thankful and a little shocked that I cannot recall a single time growing up that you fought in front of me. 
  • Family time is important.  I have learned it is important to take time to spend moments with those who are important to us in the here and now.
  • Take advantage of life's little adventures.  This can be as simple as trying out a new restaurant to traveling all across the globe exploring different countries and cultures.  I feel that you have created several of these adventurous memories as a couple.
  • Remember to have fun and laugh.  Without this, marriage would just be so dull and boring.

As I grow older, I realize with each passing day how special it is to have parents like you.  I thank you for everything you have done and what an amazing example you have provided me for my own marriage and as a parent.  You inspire me to strive for a marriage full of honesty, integrity, love, patience, gentleness, kindness, commitment, and willingness to forgive.  I want you to know that I love you both with all of my heart and I am so lucky to have you as my parents.

On this very special occasion of your 40th wedding anniversary, with a heart full of gratitude, I give you my appreciation, admiration, and, of course, love. 

Oh, there is Love, 
there is Love.


Shirley Farrell said…
Thank you so much for this special posting. I cannot even express my emotions knowing how you feel. Your words brought me to tears. You are a special daughter, wife and mother and don't you forget it. Someday your beautiful children will show their appreciation. You and Josh will be special to your children. I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband and family and I want that for you.

Thanks for making our day so special.

Love, Mom
Arlene Boyer said…
How I loved reading this tribute to you and Tim. made me misty eyed, especially when she closes with the refrain from the Wedding Song...there is love. we were so honored that your girls invited us to share in your family's celebration. it was wonderful and there was, of course, a lot of love. Thank you again to Lyndsay and Jen for a fun afternoon. Xxoo
Susan Johnson said…
I haven't seen these pictures for a long time. Thanks for posting.
Selma and Stan Price said…
We had no idea that today is your Anniversary. I believe that your daughter (whom we love dearly) wrote everything on "Tales from Afar" that could and should be said. We agree wholeheartedly and send along our wishes. Love, Selma & Stan
Jana Clegg said…
Congrats Tim and Shirley! Those pictures are fantastic! Well done Jenn!
Irene Lesnick Clegg said…
OMG--My wedding day hairdo was EXACTLY the same. Congrats!
Dione Ellen Mason Katz said…
Jenn, I thank you for those beautiful words and thoughts about marriage. I'm on 31 and still learning and working on it...

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