This past Friday, Anderson Preparatory Academy had their holiday program. Both Madi and Aiden performed in the show. I cannot tell you what a difference a year makes. When we attended the holiday program last year, Madilyn refused to perform at all. She only wanted to sit on mommy's lap and if I even tried to convince her to sing with her classmates, tears would erupt. It was disastrous!
However, this year, Madi was very excited to perform with all of the other kids. She would practice all of her songs at home and in the car whenever possible. The show consisted of group singing for the first half of the program and then the second half was the school's rendition of 'Twas the Night before Christmas. Madilyn's acting debut in the play was as a "sleeping child." She performed it beautifully. We were so proud of her.
We were also proud of Aiden. Although he didn't really sing with all of the other children, he did not cry or run off of the stage either. Much different than his sister's performance last year.
I know that it is cliche, but I just cannot believe how fast my little babies are growing up. They are becoming such little people. It is an awesome transformation to watch.
Madi Singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Madi Singing Up on the House Top
Madi Singing Frosty the Snowman
I think Madi was getting bored of singing by this point.
I think Madi was getting bored of singing by this point.
Madi and Aiden Singing Feliz Navidad
Madi's Acting Debut as a "Sleeping Child"