August always seems to
be a very hectic month for the Farrell-Landers family. There are
vacations, work obligations, end of the summer get-togethers and, of course,
Aiden's birthday! He turned three. What an incredible little boy he is
becoming. We are so proud of him. Here are some of the things that
make me smile everyday about my son:
- He loves all super heroes. Batman, Spider-Man and
Superman are his favorite! You will often hear him say, "I am
Batman." Or "Superman to the rescue!"
- His favorite foods include chicken nuggets, bananas,
and Nilla Wafers or aka "cookies".
- His favorite beverage is milk!
- His shoes are constantly filled with sand because his
favorite preschool activity is playing outside.
- He is becoming quite the conversationalist. He
loves to ask questions and tell you stories.
- Our little boy has quite the temper. There are
often times that his temper tantrums will go much longer than anyone would
- He already has his first crush on girl, Lauren, from
preschool. He often asks if Lauren can come over for a play-date or
we can go to the park with Lauren. It is pretty adorable!
- He adores his older sister. Their favorite game
is playing Little Mommy and Little Daddy. It makes our household
very interesting as Josh and I never quite know if they are calling for us
or for their sibling. We are honored that they mimic their play
after us though.
- He is our little daredevil, never afraid to try
something new or adventurous.
- Aiden enjoys playing sports of all kinds ... soccer,
t-ball, throwing balls of all kinds, etc.
- He has started to dress himself. Mind you, he
only wants to wear his "Batman" or "Spider-Man"
outfits. We have had some really long, tearful mornings when those
particular outfits were dirty.
- Before going to bed every night, Aiden enjoys having a
book read to him followed by watching a "song" on Daddy's phone.
The Birthday Boy!
Mommy and Aiden
Madi, Daddy and Aiden
Daddy and Aiden
Birthday Cupcake
Blowing out the Candles
Here were
his stats at his pediatrician visit in August. I am sure that his
has grown even more since then.
Weight: 31 pounds, 6 ounces (47th percentile)
Height: 37" (39th percentile)
At the Pediatrician Office
We cannot wait to see what fun and new
adventures this little guy will bring into our lives this year. We love you,