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In January, I had the privilege of chaperoning my kids and their fellow APA classmates on a field trip to the Arizona Museum of Natural History.  Grandma Farrell joined in the fun, as well. The main purpose of the field trip was to teach the kids about dinosaurs -- where they come from, how we know they existed, what types of dinosaurs there are, etc. While at the museum, the kids were able to touch fossils, create dinosaur pasta skeletons and wonder around the rest of the museum.   It was a new experience for all of us and well worth the drive to Mesa.

The front lobby exhibit
Learning about one of the dinosaurs
Photo with the dinosaur
Checking out T-Rex
Listening to the Paleontologist
Dinosaur Craft Time
More Dinosaur Pictures


Shirley Farrell said…
Had a great time with those kiddos!
Tyrone Farrell said…
What a built in winning day. Kids love dinosaurs and how could they not love that excursion. And the pictures look like they had a great time, though I am sure they were probably wiped out afterwards. Post like this remind me of similar days like a time we went with Uncle Ted to the local dinosaur museum and how watching my brother with the kids was ten times the entertainment and satisfaction.

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