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Temple Chai Sunday School

Here is what our kids did last week during Sunday School.  Too much fun!

From Ms. Ruth (Madilyn's Class):
Dear Parents,

Today we started the day talking and reading the story of the Jonah and the Whale, as well as watercolor-painting the "whale" and coloring in "Jonah", and learning why we read this story during Yom Kippur services.  During circle time we did a little revision on Rosh Hashanah, and went into more detail about the forthcoming Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur, talking about saying "sorry", asking for "forgiveness", fasting, the sounding of the Shofar at the end of the day,  etc., etc.  We also spoke about the mitzvah of Tzedakah, and then a representative from UMOM came to talk to both our class and the Pre-K's,  about this wonderful opportunity to raise money for this organization with our weekly Tzedakah money.  The children were each given a toy (a green Turtle Chef) to emphasize the good work done by UMOM (the turtle's shell representing the permanent "home" that it has), and how UMOM provides 'homes' to many families in need.

Thereafter it was snack time and our 'Abba' Logan and 'Eema'  Madi led the class with the Blessings for the candles, wine and Challah, while pretending it was Friday night.  The children enjoyed the Challah while getting to know each other  and socializing a little.  We also spoke about the forthcoming Consecration event.  Please remember to keep Sunday, October 11th open, for parents and family to attend.  More details will follow shortly.  This is a very exciting time as the children embark on their journey of learning from the Torah, reading Judaic stories, learning the Aleph Bet, getting familiar with many Hebrew words, Blessings, as well a many Jewish songs and melodies,  etc., etc.

After snack the children enjoyed decorating their mini "Torah Covers".   Each student will receive a small mini 'Torah' together with a certificate on that day.  They will also sing a few songs, which they started revising and learning today.

We also had fun completing our Work Sheets, as well as making a Get Well Card for our class mate, Riley Sloane, who had surgery this week.  We wish her a Speedy Recovery, "Get Well Soon", and we look forward to seeing her again soon!

We went to the Main Sanctuary towards the end of the day, together with the whole school,  to sing and learn with Cantor Wolman, and Rabbi Bonnie Koppell read us the  story of "The Hardest Word", learning that it is not so easy to say we're "SORRY"!

Wishing you all a very Good Yomtov and a very meaningful Fast.

Look forward to seeing you all next week for our very special Sukkot celebrations and learning,  to be held at the school for both students and parents.  More details will follow during the course of this week.

From Ms. Julia (Aiden's Class):
Dear Parents,

We enjoyed learning abut Yom Kippur today.

We read the story of a child who had no friends because his words were hurtful.  The rabbi had the child bring a feather pillow to his office.  He cut the pillow and all the feathers blew away outside.  The rabbi told the boy to go gather all of the feathers.  The child said “I can’t.”  The rabbi replied that it’s the same with words.  Once they are said you can’t take them back.

Our tzedakah money will go to UMOM, and the turtle chef that was sent home is a gift from them.

Our mock Shabbat with our round challah (for a sweet new year) as well as our delicious fruit were enjoyed by all.  Anny and Jake were our eemah and abbah.

We also had a assembly with music and song.

Our Hebrew letters were BET and VET.  BET has a dot in its middle, and  when you take the dot out it becomes VET.

Enjoy the Bet fun sheet I sent home.

L’shana tova.


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