There is an questionnaire floating around Facebook right now and it is similar to the questionnaire that I ask the kids around their birthdays. However, it is focused around how they see their parents. So, I thought I would ask my kids the questions about me and record their answers on the blog.
Name: Madilyn
Age: 5
- What is something that Mommy always says to you? I love you.
- What makes Mommy happy? Being good and not crying.
- What makes Mommy angry? Crying.
- How does Mommy make you laugh? Tickling me..
- What was Mommy like as a child? She was a good girl.
- How old is Mommy? 40.
- How tall is Mommy? As tall as the blinds in the house.
- What is Mommy’s favorite thing to do? Work on her computer.
- What does Mommy do when Madi is not around? Go to work.
- What is Mommy really good at? Cooking.
- What is Mommy not very good at? Cleaning the spider’s webs on the ceiling.
- What does Mommy do for a job? Just work.
- What is Mommy’s favorite food? Salad.
- What does Madi enjoy doing with Mommy? Going shopping.
Name: Aiden
Age: 4
- What is something that Mommy always says to you? To eat.
- What makes Mommy happy? Her house and R2D2.
- What makes Mommy angry? Being not nice.
- How does Mommy make you laugh? Making silly faces.
- What was Mommy like as a child? Dirty.
- How old is Mommy? 40.
- How tall is Mommy? 6 tall.
- What is Mommy’s favorite thing to do? Work.
- What does Mommy do when Aiden is not around? Play a game. Watch a show.
- What is Mommy really good at? Dinner.
- What is Mommy not very good at? Climbing.
- What does Mommy do for a job? Work.
- What is Mommy’s favorite food? Chinese food or tomato soup.
- What does Aiden enjoy doing with Mommy? Watch a show, play and secrets.