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Interview with Aiden: Age 5

Here is Aiden's annual interview with Mommy.  As you can tell, he really loves Spider-Man.  Some of his answers have changed and, yet, many have stayed the same.  His answers make me smile...
  1. What is your favorite color?  Red and blue.
  2. What is your favorite food to eat?  Chicken nuggets, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese.
  3. What is your favorite television show?  Transformers.
  4. Who is your favorite Superhero?  Spider-Man and Wolverine.
  5. Who is your best friend?  Oliver.
  6. Who is your teacher at school?  Ms. Fox.
  7. What is your favorite activity?  Play with my Legos.
  8. What is your favorite fruit?  Blueberries.
  9. What is your favorite toy?  Light Saber.
  10. What is your favorite outfit to wear?  Spider-Man shirt.
  11. What is your favorite game to play?  Uno.
  12. What is your favorite snack?  Doritos chips.
  13. What is your favorite animal?  Lion, Tiger and Shark.
  14. What is your favorite song?  Eye of the Tiger.
  15. What is your favorite book?  Spider-Man book.
  16. What is your favorite cereal?  Honey Bunches of Oats.
  17. What is your favorite thing to play outside?  Play with Harley.  
  18. What is your favorite drink?  Sprite.
  19. What is your favorite holiday?  Hanukkah, Christmas and Halloween.
  20. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Iron Man Bear.
  21. What is your favorite object to collect?  Rocks.
  22. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Spider-Man.
  23. Do you like cake or cupcakes more?  Cake.
  24. What is your favorite thing about school?  Engineering.
  25. What is your vacation spot?  Camping.


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