Here is Aiden's annual interview with Mommy. As you can tell, he really loves Spider-Man. Some of his answers have changed and, yet, many have stayed the same. His answers make me smile...
- What is your favorite color? Red and blue.
- What is your favorite food to eat? Chicken nuggets, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese.
- What is your favorite television show? Transformers.
- Who is your favorite Superhero? Spider-Man and Wolverine.
- Who is your best friend? Oliver.
- Who is your teacher at school? Ms. Fox.
- What is your favorite activity? Play with my Legos.
- What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries.
- What is your favorite toy? Light Saber.
- What is your favorite outfit to wear? Spider-Man shirt.
- What is your favorite game to play? Uno.
- What is your favorite snack? Doritos chips.
- What is your favorite animal? Lion, Tiger and Shark.
- What is your favorite song? Eye of the Tiger.
- What is your favorite book? Spider-Man book.
- What is your favorite cereal? Honey Bunches of Oats.
- What is your favorite thing to play outside? Play with Harley.
- What is your favorite drink? Sprite.
- What is your favorite holiday? Hanukkah, Christmas and Halloween.
- What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Iron Man Bear.
- What is your favorite object to collect? Rocks.
- What do you want to be when you grow up? Spider-Man.
- Do you like cake or cupcakes more? Cake.
- What is your favorite thing about school? Engineering.
- What is your vacation spot? Camping.