An amazing Mother's Day full of everything I could imagine. The day started off with homemade challah French toast, bacon, eggs, fruit and mimosas made by Josh and the kids. Continued with swimming/pool time and tons of relaxing. No day would be complete without some tears and Mommy teaching moments. And it concluded with dinner, conversation and some good laughs with my Mom and Oma. A very good day all around!

Mother's Day Card from Madi
Mother's Day Card from Aiden
Another card from Aiden (Madi *may* have written it)
Mother's Day Cards from Josh and my Mom
Aiden and I
Madi and I
My kiddos
The kids and Oma
The kids and Grandma
The kiddos
Me and the kids
My mom and I
Oma and I
Mom, Oma and me