My kids are obsessed with YouTube Kids. This is an actual childhood phenomenon. From what I understand, most kids my children's age are obsessed with YouTube Kids. And, we parents, do not understand. Especially, because some of the channels my kids watch are painful to watch as an adult and yet, they love them. One of my kids' favorite YouTube video channels is Ryan's Toy Review. This kid has one of the most popular YouTube channels. The premise of the channel, as the name implies, is that Ryan reviews toys. He provides his thoughts on the selected toy. Then, he “unboxes” the toys, sets them up, and plays. That is the concept of the entire show until he signs off with a simple wave and says, “See you next time.” Really!?! Here is a glimpse of Ryan's channel: Baffling, right? My kids love him. They will sit for hours, if we allowed them, watching Ryan unpackage toys and review them. It is mind numbi...