In order for Aiden to agree to participate on the swim team with Madilyn, we had to sign the kids up for diving lessons. Aiden really wanted to learn how to dive off of the diving boards. Only when I went into the online registration system to sign the kids up for diving lessons back in April, all of the diving classes were 100% full. The best I could do was place them on the waiting list. It wasn't until after swim team started in June that our kids were finally accepted into a couple of the diving lesson sessions.
What can I say ... our kids love diving! By the third lesson, both of our kids were learning how to dive backwards and daring to forward dive off of the high board. They are daredevils. I am guessing Aiden will want to make the same negotiation next summer. At least, they are staying active and becoming more water safe each day.
What can I say ... our kids love diving! By the third lesson, both of our kids were learning how to dive backwards and daring to forward dive off of the high board. They are daredevils. I am guessing Aiden will want to make the same negotiation next summer. At least, they are staying active and becoming more water safe each day.
First day of diving lessons
Forward Dives
Backwards Dives
High Dives