It's a new year. While reflecting over the year, I realized I haven't interviewed the kids in a long while. So, I interviewed them. I love how some of the answers haven't changed, but others have. Here are Madilyn's age seven favorites and likes:
- What is your favorite color? Blue
- What is your favorite food to eat? Spaghetti-Os with meatballs
- What is your favorite television show? YouTube Drama
- Who is your favorite Superhero? Superwoman
- Who is your best friend? Natalie
- Who is your teacher at school? Ms. Patterson (Humanities) at BASIS Phoenix Central
- What is your favorite activity? Art
- What is your favorite fruit? Pineapple
- What is your favorite toy? American Girl Doll and Baby Minnie
- What is your favorite outfit to wear? Paint Dress
- What is your favorite game to play? Candy Land Princess
- What is your favorite snack? Trail Mix
- What is your favorite animal? Dog
- What is your favorite song? Who Let the Dogs Out
- What is your favorite book? The School Fairies Series
- What is your favorite breakfast foods? Granola bar
- What is your favorite thing to play outside? Tag
- What is your favorite drink? Egg Nog
- What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Hanukkah
- What do you like to take to bed with you at night? American Girl Doll and Baby Minnie
- What is your favorite flower? Rose
- What do you want to be when you grow up? Artist
- Do you like cake or cupcakes more? Cupcakes
- What is your favorite thing about school? Humanities
- What is your vacation spot? The beach
Madi at her 7 Year Well-Check (June '17)
Height: 49 inches (60th Percentile)
Weight: 52.5 pounds (33th Percentile)