We had a very eventful Hanukkah holiday season. We spent Hanukkah with friends in their home, at home with friends and family, and abroad celebrating in Puerto Penasco, Mexico. We had our fair share of latkes, lights, doughnuts and spinning dreidels. Madilyn and chug choir at our temple even created a Hanukkah parody sung to the tune of "Little Shop of Horrors." She was so proud to sing her chug's creation to us one morning during Religious School. Too cute! Overall, a very good Hanukkah season.
1st Night of Hanukkah
Making a paper chain menorah at the Arkos
Aiden's heart latke
Lighting candles on the 1st night
2nd Night of Hanukkah
Madilyn and Lauren
Keaton and Aiden
Lighting candles with friends
6th Night of Hanukkah in Puerto Penasco, Mexico
8th Night of Hanukkah in Puerto Penasco, Mexico
Madilyn singing a Hanukkah parody song
A video of the parody song