In our best effort to support the Governor's "Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected" executive order during April and May, our family found many, many ways to keep ourselves entertained.
- We completed puzzles and played games online with our friends.
- We celebrated holidays by dropping off care packages at our family and friends' doors.
- We experienced a drive-by birthday party for one of Aiden's friends.
- We de-cluttered the house room by room -- one of my favorite hobbies. The kids and Josh enjoyed this activity much less than I.
- Madilyn and I went horseback riding.
- We enjoyed family movie nights.
- And continued nightly readings of the latest Harry Potter book.
- There was fort building and scooter riding.
- We even saved more than our fair share of quail from our pool.
Building puzzles together

Pinochle with friends
De-cluttering the house
Delivering goodies to friends and family
Drive-by birthday party!
Reading by firelight or on the couch
Scooter riding
Horseback riding
A saved baby quail
Fort Building
Family Movie Nights!