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15 Months Old

Last Tuesday, Madilyn visited her pediatrician for her 15 month old check-up.  She is developing normally and the doctor was very happy with her growth and development.  She received a couple more vaccinations and only cried for a short bit, especially after Mommy rewarded her with Cheerios.

Madilyn's stats as of this visit were:
  • Head circumference - 18" (52nd percentile)
  • Height - 30" (31st percentile)
  • Weight - 22 pounds (62th percentile)
Here are a couple of photos that I took while we were waiting for the physician.  Of course, in the last photo, she is munching away at some Cheerios.


Here are some of Madi's favorite things to do right now:
  • Go outside.  Always!  As soon as we get home, she wants to go outside.  She even has started to mimic me by watering the potted flowers with her sippy cup.
  • Throw things.  She thinks it is hilarious to play throw and catch.  She loves to throw balls, stuffed animals, blocks and then see if someone will throw it back to her.  After she throws the item, she laughs and waits for the item to be returned back to her.  It's a lot like playing fetch.
  • Climb.  She wants to climb on everything, even if it is too small to hold her.  There have been several times that she has tried to climb in her baby's stroller.  I am just waiting for her to break her arm or crack open her head.  She definitely has no fear.
  • Mimicking.  She is starting to do as we do or say what we say.  Now we really need to be careful!
  • Play hide and seek.  She will *somewhat* hide and then I will ask "Where's Madi?"  She will then walk back into the open and verbalize her version of "There she is".  Then, she laughs out loud and almost falls over.  It is so funny to watch!
  • Not taking a bath.  Somehow our water baby is no longer a fan of bathtime.  As soon as we put her in the tub, she whines until the time she get out.  Bathtime is no longer that much fun.
  • Throw tantrums.  She has already started this fun little phase.  If someone tells her no or that she cannot do something or gets frustrated about something, she immediately falls to the ground to cry.  It is the iconic tantrum where the child is on her stomach and feet are flailing behind her.
  • Bananas.  She LOVES bananas.  This is her favorite food.  Here is a video of her shoveling the banana into her mouth with no break what so ever. 


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