- Letters X, Y and Z
- Colors blue, yellow and green
- Shapes of cube, cylinder and rectangle
- And her numbers 1-10
- A song that I have not deciphered, as of yet. She just sways back and forth, singing "oh way, oh way, oh way ..." and then she claps when she is all done. It is so cute, but none of us can sing along since we have no idea what she is singing.
Most days we are greeted at the end of the day with some sort of craft project she has created for us. They are really adorable and sometimes very abstract. And during the summer, they have a "water day" once a week where the toddlers get to run through a sprinkler in the play yard. As you can see, this school keeps her so busy that most evenings we are lucky if she stays awake until 7pm. We are very lucky to have found such a wonderful environment for our child to learn, play and grow. And what is even better, they will have room for the baby boy in the fall.
Here are a couple of photos from her first day of preschool. As soon as she arrived, she walked straight to the breakfast table to eat with all of the other kids. It wasn't shortly after taking this photo that Madi reached over and ate some cereal off of this boy's plate. Nothing like making a good impression on the first day of school?!?