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Chag Sameach!

This Pesach holiday, we enjoyed our first night's seder with so many of our close friends and family.  It was the largest Seder we have hosted to date.  Everyone contributed to the meal which turned out fabulous.  I do not believe anyone left hungry.  The haggadah we used this year I created by using some traditional Reform Judaism language and blessings along with some excerpts from a Humanistic haggadah.  I thought it flowed nicely and wasn't too long in length.  Plus, I was able to successfully deliver all of the Hebrew prayers during the Seder.  All of my practicing really paid off.  The haggadah was only ridiculed a little bit when we asked everyone at the table to sing a song about Moses fleeing Egypt to the tune of "Gillian's Island".  It was a fun evening filled with laughter, discussion and tons of good food and wine.

A special shout-out to my fabulous friends and family who making cleaning up such a breeze.  You all know who you are and I am so lucky to have you in my life.  Thank you!

Debi and Steve
Christy and Brandon
Melinda and Michael
A table full of family and friends


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