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Showing posts from 2015

Christmas 2015

This year's Christmas was by far the best yet for our kids.  They are at such amazing ages.  They *truly* believe in Santa and all that surrounds the magic of the holiday.  Our morning started off very slow.  Our kids are just not those kids that wake up super early to open presents.  In fact, once again, Josh and I were the ones waiting on the kids to start the day.  Finally, at about seven o'clock, Aiden meandered down the stairs to see his Santa gifts waiting for him.  After he realized that he couldn't open any of them without his sister, he ran up the stairs to wake her so the gift opening could began.  Present opening went much quicker this year and the kids were very excited about the whole process.  Plus, they really wanted to see if Santa listened to their gift requests.  Santa did deliver the presents that they wanted.  Aiden wanted a Spider Man skateboard.  Madi wanted a Chocolate Pen.  Both kids were very ex...

Christmas Eve 2015

This Christmas Eve we decided to observe the evening in the same manner that we did last year ~ with a trailer hay ride through Moon Valley.  Prior to loading up the trailer and heading out to see the lights, we all enjoyed a little dinner in the park -- chili, sandwiches, chips & dip, S'Mores, cookies, and some hot chocolate.  After dinner, we all boarded the trailer for a drive through Moon Valley to see lights and the  luminaries .  It was a chilly evening, but we all snuggled under blankets to keep warm.  What a fun way to start off our Christmas celebrations! The kids before we left for Moon Valley Park Our decorated trailer Ho, Ho, Ho! Lynsey and Tonny Melinda and Wendy Josh and Alisha Will, Kiley, Madi and Aiden The whole gang Enjoying the trailer ride Aunt Lynsey and Madi All ready for bed in their new Christmas Eve pajamas

Winter Brrr-eak Camp 2015

This past week while on Winter Break from BASIS Phoenix Central Madilyn attended The Children's Museum of Phoenix's Winter Brrr-eak Camp.  It was a great experience for her and she loved it. Every day of the three day camp was filled with fun activities, crafts, story time, science projects, and a visit from Santa Claus.  When I asked Madi her favorite things about camp, her list included: The fake campfire and s'mores Learning about ice cream and eating it Playing with sparkling play-doh Making crafts and coloring Receiving an early present from Santa

North Pole Experience

Every holiday season, we take the kids up north to visit Santa Claus.  We started this tradition in 2010 when Madilyn was about nine months old.  That year and thereafter, we have always chosen to take the kids to the Polar Express in Williams, Arizona.  This year, we wanted a change, so we decided to take them to the North Pole Experience in Flagstaff.   The North Pole Experience is a Christmas adventure that takes families on a trolley ride through the magic portal to Santa’s massive workshop in the middle of the forest. Children and parents are then guided off the trolley where they knock for the elves. Once families enter Santa’s toy factory headquarters, that is where the real magic begins in Santa’s Workshop at the North Pole Experience is a complete, hands-on experience for children. The children work side-by-side with the elves, building toys and interacting with the workshop bustle. They receive access to Santa’s main factory floor with soaring toy slides ...