The sixth night of Hanukkah was also my dad's birthday, so we had them over for dinner to celebrate both occasions. Every year I try to theme the kids' Hanukkah gifts. This year's theme was Lego. So, each night when the kids opened their gifts, it was a different Lego set. Knowing that the kids were going to have a plethora of Lego sets, I recruited my dad to build them a Lego table. He presented it to them on the sixth night. They loved it and immediately began to build on it. They didn't even want to eat dinner. They just wanted to play with their Legos.
Aiden and Papa lighting the menorah
Miss Madi
Grandma and Aiden learning about the sixth night of Hanukkah
The Lego table
Madi organizing her Legos
Everyone playing
Papa and Aiden constructing