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North Pole Experience

Every holiday season, we take the kids up north to visit Santa Claus.  We started this tradition in 2010 when Madilyn was about nine months old.  That year and thereafter, we have always chosen to take the kids to the Polar Express in Williams, Arizona.  This year, we wanted a change, so we decided to take them to the North Pole Experience in Flagstaff.  

The North Pole Experience is a Christmas adventure that takes families on a trolley ride through the magic portal to Santa’s massive workshop in the middle of the forest. Children and parents are then guided off the trolley where they knock for the elves. Once families enter Santa’s toy factory headquarters, that is where the real magic begins in Santa’s Workshop at the North Pole Experience is a complete, hands-on experience for children. The children work side-by-side with the elves, building toys and interacting with the workshop bustle. They receive access to Santa’s main factory floor with soaring toy slides and ceilings, attend Elf University, visit with Mrs. Claus and enjoy cookies and snowman soup in the bakery. Don’t forget Santa’s mail room, his personal office, and his top-secret “Area 47″ Sleigh Hanger, featuring his famous sleigh, jam packed with some of the most advanced technology in the world, runway lights, radar systems and more. And lastly, a family visit privately with Santa Claus.

It was an amazing experience.  We loved it!  As a parent, I loved watching the magic of Santa grow on each of my children's faces.  You could just tell they really thought they were at the North Pole. Their belief in Santa was solidified with this visit to Santa's workshop.  Both kids were mesmerized and enamored with the all of the elves and sights to see.  Madilyn, who has never wanted to sit on Santa's lap alone or without trepidation, ran gleefully to Jolly Saint Nick to tell him exactly what she wanted for Christmas.  Of course, it was the only toy that Santa may not have purchased for her.  Thank goodness for Amazon!  

We book-ended our trip with snow play.  On Saturday, when we arrived in Flagstaff, we drove to Oak Hill Snow Play Area to meet up with the Stocketts, one of our APA preschool families.  This particular play area has a great hill for the kids to sled.  Aiden, of course, loved sledding and couldn't get enough of it.  Madilyn continually tried to like sledding, but most often her ride ended in tears and her shouting "too fast, too fast".

Sunday morning, we were happily surprised to wake up to newly fallen snow.  It was so beautiful, but I am also thankful I do not have to live with it all winter.  After breakfast, we decided stop in Munds Park on our way home to give the kids some more time in the snow.  However, when we arrived in Munds Park, the new snow had not been plowed off of the roads so we ended up playing near one of the exit ramp gas stations.  It seemed to suit the kids just fine though.  Sadly, the only thing Madilyn wanted to do was build a snowman, but she was unable as the new snow was not sticky enough.  I guess she will have to wait until next year ...

Aiden and Brayden
Josh was exhausted carrying the sled up the hill for the kids
Bryce sledding
Madi's typical reaction after sledding, but she kept trying
Aiden all ready to sled
Happy making a snow man
Bryce taking his sled on another ride
Bryce and Brayden
Madi heading down the hill
Aiden and Bryce sledding together
All of the snow kids
All ready to get on the trolley for the North Pole
All aboard
One of Santa's elves explaining the workshop
Singing to gain entrance through the next door of the workshop
The Elf of the Original Santa's Workshop
The kids building toys with their Elf

Aiden's completed toy
Madi's completed toy
Now time to make toy rockets
And play with them too...
Shooting the rocket
Aiden loved this Elf
Santa's Main Factory Room
Having cookies and snowman soup in Mrs. Claus' bakery
Talking with one of Mrs. Claus' elves
Attending Elf University
Writing a letter to Santa in the Mailroom
Madi and her letter
Madi decided to ask Santa two questions instead of a wish list:
"reinber how do you fly?" and 
"how do the reindeer attach to the sleigh."
Aiden writing his letter
A picture of the "Spider Man motorcycle" that he is requesting from Santa
The kids with Santa
Family Photos
Extended Family Photo with Santa
Day Two:  More Snow Play

Family Photo in the Snow


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