Last weekend, we spent Shabbat in Laguna Woods, with our California and Israeli family. It was, literally, a short but sweet, trip. We left Phoenix late in the afternoon on Thursday and arrived back home late Saturday evening. Why would we plan such a short trip? It was Dione (Josh's aunt who lives in Israel) and her family's annual trip to California. And, so, for the third year in a row, we decided to visit them when they were in town. It has become a fun tradition! Here are some of the highlights from our trip: GG and GP took the kids to The 99 Cents Only Store so they could pick out some toys. The great-grandparents just love watching the kids decide which toys they should pick this time. Enjoyed a wonderful family Shabbat with authentic Israeli food. Thank you, Aunt Dione! We look forward to your cooking every year. We also love that Aunt Kathleen was able to join in the fun again this year. A girls' bre...