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Cabin Time with Madi & Aiden ~ A Grandmother's Perspective

For the third summer in a row, our kids spent a week up in Munds Park, Arizona, with Grandma and Papa Farrell sans Josh and I. What a fun tradition we have established!  Instead of telling you what the kids did all week with their grandparents when we were not present, I'd rather share the photos and text message verbiage that I received from my Mom daily, which I loved receiving.  I think it will give a better perspective of what occurred than I could...


The Three Stooges!  Good Morning
Start of their hike on their own.  They made it WAY up the hill and kept yelling "Grandma!  Can you see us?"  So brave - We were so surprised!  Told them as long as they could see the cabin they could go anywhere.
The golf cart tour with Ice Cream Treat!


First day of soccer went wonderful.  Madi was the first to run out there.  She runs fast and a lot but still not the aggressive one.  Aiden, on the other hand, is aggressive.  They did several one on one drills and he took it to the goal a couple of times.  He has gotten very accurate in his kicks.  They were pooped and took a 2 hour nap.  Going to Pinewood Restaurant with Betty and Bill tonight.
Pinewood Restaurant Selfie???? In the mirror.
Papa and the grandkids
 Gigantic Ice Cream Sundae!


Had a terrific soccer day!  So proud of both.  Madi is really working hard and Coach Tamera gave her big accolades today.  Aiden is a natural and loves his soccer.  We had a BIG delay on the road (construction) today so came home and let the kids get wet by helping with the car wash.  Picnic afterwards in their suits.
We must be wearing out the kids.  They took a 3 hour nap and would have slept longer if I hadn't woken them.  You and Josh are in trouble -- they love French Dip!!!
A night of Yahtzee before bed.  They totally got the game.  We played for pairs, three of a kind, and full houses.  The word for nothing became "junk".  So funny.  Aiden won and gloated his way to bed.  Good for their recognition skills.  Aiden really got into it!  Madi giggled her way thru.  We had fun!


Putting with Papa after Soccer Camp
 After bath, playing a game of War on the deck.


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