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Last Day of Summer Swim Lessons

Last Wednesday, Madilyn and Aiden concluded their summer swimming lessons, eight weeks in total, through the City of Phoenix.  We couldn't be more impressed with the City's program.  The kids loved their coaches; so did we.  They were so patient, supportive and friendly.  It was the perfect environment for our kids to strengthen and perfect their swimming skills, which they did.  We are so proud of our little fishes!

Madi wanted to "pose"
Swimming Siblings
Silly Aiden
Riding his "horse-y"
More kicking...

Can you tell she loves to swim?
Coach Zoe and Madi
Madilyn's Swimming Class
A Pencil Jump
Smiling while he swims
Coach Lexi and Aiden
Aiden swimming freestyle
Aiden practicing his sideglide
Madi swimming freestyle


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