In February, Josh and I had the opportunity to join eighteen other couples from Phoenix on an nine day trip to Israel through a program called Honeymoon Israel. The mission of the trip is is to create a community of inter-faith couples who are committed to exploring and learning more about living a Jewish life. It was one of the most amazing trips that Josh and I have ever experienced together. No words could even describe how incredible of a trip it was for us. The trip strengthened both my marriage with Josh as well as our connection to the Jewish faith. It allowed both of us to come to a better understanding of what Judaism is to each other and how we can raise our kids in a Jewish home by supporting each others wishes and desires.
I had *so* many favorite moments of the trip. Here are just a few:
- Relationships! This trip not only strengthened my relationship with Josh, but I also feel that it deepened my relationship with G-d. I feel much more confident in my practice of Judaism and how I can best live a Jewish life. But, one of the best parts of the trip was the relationships that I developed with all of my travel mates and fellow Phoenicians. Before leaving for Israel, we had gotten the chance to meet all of our travel mates only twice. Once at orientation and once at a meet and greet dinner. By the time we returned back to Phoenix, we really had developed a new community of life-long friends.
- Having Rabbi Ilana Mills with us on the trip. It was amazing to have a Rabbi there to guide us when religious or cultural questions arose. It was also great to have a spiritual adviser for those of us struggling to define our faith a little more.
- Floating in the Dead Sea. I loved this experience! I felt like a little otter floating on its back enjoying the calmness of the sea and the beauty that surrounded us.
- Visiting with Aunt Dione, Katz, Becky and Yehudah in Tel Aviv. We have had the opportunity to visit them when the come to the United States each year, but it was truly special to visit them in their home land. Plus, we ate some of the best Ethiopian food that I have ever tasted.
- Being immersed into the mecca of the three major religions of the world. No one can argue how truly amazing it is to see the three religions co-exist in the very small walled Old City of Jerusalem.
- Having my faith validated by one of our speakers, Avraham Infeld. The title of his talk was "Judaism is NOT a religion". It was very insightful and provided much clarity on the mission of our trip.
- Standing on land that is more than 2000 (Jerusalem) or 4000 (Jaffa) years old. I loved learning about the history and seeing all the beauty this country has to offer.
- Amazing food! Especially the shwarma, the Druze lunch, the breakfast buffets and lattes.
- Goldstar and Tuborg. Beer always makes great memories and moments.