For a very long time, Madilyn has wanted to lose her first tooth. It seemed like every day one of the kids in her class would lose their first tooth or even second tooth. Madi was getting very discouraged. And then it happened. At the end January, she had a wiggly tooth. She was so excited. And for the next week or so, it slowly started to wiggle more and more. Madilyn lost her first tooth on a Wednesday afternoon in math class. Josh picked her up from school that day and Madi showed him the gap in her teeth. However, when he asked to see the tooth, Madilyn broke into tears. She didn't have it. It literally was lost in math class. It fell to the ground and she couldn't find it. She was so distraught. What was she going to leave for the tooth fairy? Luckily, we informed her that she should just write the tooth fairy a note explaining the situation and I am sure the tooth fairy would understand. And so she did. The next morning Madilyn woke up to a two dollar bill under her pillow. So fun!
Madi's lost tooth
Her note to the tooth fairy
The gift from the tooth fairy