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BASIS Update ~ GP1, GP2 and GP3

Half of the school year is almost over.  I cannot believe how fast the year flies.  The kids had a great first half of the school year.  Our year, so far,  has been full of homework, spelling tests, science projects, engineering contests, poem reciting, art drawings, HAWK awards and 90s Club.  Luckily, both of our kids love school and never complain about going to school.  Here are some of the cool things that our kids do at school:

This past August the kids were able to experience the solar eclipse with their friends and teachers

Madilyn studied a bug's life cycle.  This is the bug she found at school and brought home as a pet.  Sadly, he did not survive very long.

BASIS Phoenix Central encourages all of the kids to behave in a H.A.W.K. manner.  In return, the kids are incentivized by receiving H.A.W.K. awards.  

Madilyn *loves* art.  

Every grading period Aiden has to memorize a poem, draw a picture about it and then recite it to his entire class.  He is a very quick memorizer.  Below is a video from the first and the third poem he had to learn.
GP3's Poem

School Pictures ~ Fall 2017

For grading period one, two and three, both kids have performed very well in school  Aiden qualified for 90s Club all three periods and Madilyn qualified for two of the three periods.  That means on average they have earned above the 90th percentile in all of their classes.  We are very proud of them.  They have worked hard and continue to excel in school.  Go Hawks!

 Papa reading "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" to Aiden's class.  
The kids enjoyed our holiday book exchange tradition.


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