Grading period one at BASIS Phoenix Primary concluded in mid-September. I cannot believe how fast the school year is going already. We seem to have settled into a routine and the kids are thriving. In fact, both kids achieved the 90s Club Award for grading period one. That means, on average, they are receiving a 90% or better in their classes. Way to go, kiddos! At BASIS, the kids actually move from classroom to classroom throughout the day along with their Learning Expert Teacher (LET). An LET is like a home room teacher who assist the kids all day long in each of their core classes (math/humanities) and specials (art/music/drama/PE). Aiden's favorite classes are math, engineering and Kenpo/PE. Madilyn's favorites are art, humanities and connections. Most nights the kids have about two worksheets of math homework, a page or two for humanities, and twenty minutes of reading. Not too bad, as long as they do not fight us ...