This past June, I was selected to be the Region 7 Liaison to the NAHU Legislative Council. The Legislative Council provides legislative advice to the NAHU Board of Trustees and promotes communication concerning NAHU legislative policy among NAHU's members and chapters. I am truly honored to have been selected to participate in this group. One of the responsibilities of being on this council is that I attend as many of the NAHU events as possible. NAHU hosts their annual convention every June. This year, the convention was in Kansas City, Missouri. For five days, we were educated on the latest and greatest in the health care insurance field, consumed some really good barbecue, danced the night away at the Gordon Memorial Awards Dinner, and toured some of the local sights. Always love my time with my NAHU family.
Kansas City Skyline
One of the infamous BBQ restaurants
LPRT Event
Dressed up for the Gordon Memorial
Awards Breakfast
Sightseeing around Kansas City
Becky and I sightseeing in the rain
Becky, Denisse, Michael and I