Before school started, we had one last trip planned for the summer. One of Josh's friends from high school was getting married in Pasadena and invited us to the wedding. However, before the wedding on Saturday night, we spent a couple of days socializing with Selma, Stan and Dione, who was visiting from Israel. Each morning, we enjoyed having breakfast and conversation with Stan at the hotel. The kids enjoyed building card houses in the guest room and driving the golf cart with GP. And before we left on Friday night, we enjoyed Shabbat as a family.
Building Card Houses
Driving the golf cart
Making Shabbat dinner with Dione
GG and the kids
GP and the kids
Dione and I
GG and I
GP and I
Ready for the wedding
Miss Madi
Mr. Aiden
Wedding Selfie
"Cool" Family Photo
Sans Sunglasses
My kiddos
Climbing trees
Our kids made some friends
And Madi found a lizard
With a boy...
Josh and I
Some of Josh's high school friends
Danica and David
Danica dancing with the girls